Individualised supports are bespoke flexible, responsive, personal and social supports which include personal care, personal development, developing relationships, connection and engagement, communication, advocacy, education, supported employment, therapeutic interventions, assistive technology, environmental adaptations, aids & appliances, that are tailored to the individual’s needs throughout their life, and are primarily determined by them.
This is an intentional way of working with each individual where the Discovery Coordinator engages with them to develop their roles, goals and relationships that support them expanding their life experiences. This journey of exploration focuses on the individual’s experiences and how they can expand their life and lifestyle choices.
Making connections and getting to know people and be known is the foundation of belonging and wellbeing. Being connected is something we take for granted and expect; greeting people we know with a wave or a word; being known in your local shop; being called by your name. Connecting in with what’s happening in your neighbourhood means getting to know the people living there. Getting involved in interest groups/classes expands opportunities for learning, and engagement.
St. Margaret’s works with each individual to create the conditions and opportunities for them to become involved in their community; we do this by being a companion on their first introduction in their neighbourhood, interest group, etc. This creates opportunities for relationships, friendships, learning and doing new things; such experiences create joy, happiness and contentment.
Work gives us the basic recognition and financial security that we all value It provides us with so many valued social roles – peer recognition, social engagement, being known, as well as participating and contributing to the local community.
Working with our Stakeholder Engagement Manager the individual will have the opportunity to prepare for employment which includes skills matching/training opportunities, job search and matching to find paid employment in a variety of occupations.
Home provides the basic security and comfort that all of us value. Home gives a sense of belonging, a place with a strong connection and an emphasis on social engagement. To know people and be known as a neighbour creates a sense of wellbeing and provides opportunities to participate and contribute to the local community.
For each of us, moving to our own home is one of the biggest changes we will experience in our life. Each person wishing to move to their own home (whether from family home, service owned house, institutional setting or other living arrangement) is supported by their Circle of Support. When an individual’s service commences or where they choose to move to their own home, our Housing Manager will work through a range of options for the short, medium and long-term, including:
Where the individual’s supports commence prior to receiving their housing, St. Margaret’s Housing Manager will work with them and, as necessary, with their Circle of Support in determining their will, preference and choice in relation to where and with whom they wish to live.